We manufacture natural products based on natural spices in our modern manufacturing plant, under GMP and HACCP Quality Management Systems,our technical department has developed an important series of NATURAL FLAVORS (mixture of spices and food additives), for sausages and all kinds of cold cuts (raw, dried and cooked)...

We manufacture additives using carefully selected raw materials in our modern manufacturing plantin compliance with GMP and HACCP Quality Management Systems. Color fixatives are basically the combination of preservatives and antioxidants. Phosphates are responsible for binding the paste, among other properties.
Natural Products and Additives
At Shorton Argentina SRL, we have developed a wide range natural flavors and additives for sausages and all kinds of cold meats and cold cuts, under our brand INTESHOR.®
The company has a modern industrial plant and the most advanced technology to produce various types of additives and natural products. It operates under the strictest quality and hygiene measures, respecting our GMP manual and certification under the international food safety standard HACCP.
The raw materials we use come from carefully selected suppliers. To ensure high quality, the selection of local and international suppliers is based on product quality, skills and reliability. To verify and ensure product end quality, whether imported by the company or purchased in the local market, we work together with accredited external laboratories, to perform the physical, microbiological and chemical analysis of raw materials, supplies and finished products.
We have developed formulas based on natural spices without flavorings, according to the traditional flavors of each sausage and cold cut, which give the finished product its typical flavor with a very deep aroma and taste.
All the products made in our RNE 21-107780 Authorized Facility are manufactured to ensure the producer's peace of mind and the end consumer's safety.